Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April's Review

Okay, here's where I start going into things that I don't particularly like about the show. I don't dislike April's character, or her age. I think both of them are great. A feisty, courageous, smart, redheaded teenage version of April works really well with the show, and I agree when the producers when they said that it makes more sense for a teen to be running around with other teens than a fully grown adult woman. I don't have a problem with any of those things.

I have a problem with her OUTFIT.




I mean, REALLY. Just look at it!

Who in the heck dresses like that?! It's just stupid! I like the t-shirt and shorts. I even like the boots. But the leggings and the undershirt? Good Lord, whoever thought that looked good should be strung up by their thumbs. Look, I know they wanted to get the fact that she's a tomboy across, but you don't have to have her dress like a jock guy for the viewer to get the message. The fact that she spends her spare time running around with four mutant ninja turtles illustrates this pretty well. Also, she doesn't need a headband to go with her ponytail. You need one or the other, not both. If she were wearing jeans instead of leggings and shorts, and sneakers instead of boots with huge socks that peek out a top, that would help it along a lot. Plus... wrist guards. I know you can't see them in the second picture, but you can in the first. Overall, she just doesn't look that good.

Other than the fact that she looks like a mix between a deep-sea diver and a female football player, I really like what they've done with her. She's the perfect mix of cunning and tenacity. I also really like how they made Donnie have a crush on her. While I think ultimately it'll end really badly for Don, it's something that gives her an entirely new dynamic with the guys. She's always been the mother/sister/best friend type, and no one has ever ventured into the realm of her being something more with the turtles. I'm glad that they've finally done that. But I have to say that I'm a hardcore Casey/April fan. They just work together better than Donnie and April do, and plus, while she likes Donnie as a friend, it's incredibly obvious that she doesn't see him as anything more. If anything, it looks like she thinks his crush is a little annoying. There's no way she doesn't know he has one on her. It's terribly obvious.

I'm really looking forward to the day when it's April verses Karai. We all know it's only a matter of time, especially since (SPOILER ALERT!) she's being trained as a ninja by Master Splinter herself as of episode seven! It's going to be awesome.

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